Point-To-Point Marketing announced that Rick Torcasso, the company’s co-founder and CEO, has set December 31, 2021, to be his last day as CEO. Point-To-Point President Tim Bronsil will serve as CEO of the company upon Torcasso’s retirement.
Of stepping down, Torcasso says, “25 years ago, we began this company. I’m gratified by what we’ve achieved and to hand the reins over to the next generation of tremendously qualified, professional, and talented people. To say that I’m proud is an underestimation.”
Torcasso began his career at the age of 17 as a disc jockey in his hometown of Fresno, California. He began developing marketing strategies for radio in 1990, which ultimately became Point-To-Point. Today, Point-To-Point is the leading Audience Development Company serving numerous top entertainment companies in North America.
With his retirement, Torcasso fulfills a 50-year career in broadcasting.
Tim Bronsil will become CEO effective January 1, 2022. Bronsil added, “Rick’s influence at Point- To-Point will be felt for years to come. He worked tirelessly to make certain our clients had access to the highest acumen and thought processes for audience development marketing. All of us are thankful for Rick’s wisdom and guidance that will continue to benefit our clients. Personally, I am going to miss our regular conversations about brands, marketing, wine, and gardening. Not always in that order. Cheers, Rick!”
Point-To-Point Marketing is a leading direct and digital marketing firm providing a wide-range of high-quality, innovative audience development marketing campaigns and strategies for radio broadcast, syndicated programs, podcasts, and entertainment brands.
Contact info: Tim Bronsil: tim@ptpmarketing.com, 513.702.5072
Rick Torcasso: rick@ptpmarketing.com, 972.661.1361